Publishing Announcement
Monday, August 20th, 2012

Dear Readers: I’ve recently decided to take all of my self-published books out of Smashwords distribution, meaning that soon, they will go off-sale at iTunes, Kobo, Sony, etc. This is a business decision based on many factors. If you would like to buy these books for your device, please do so now. I’m not sure if/when they’ll be back up again.

Also, if you are reading on your iPad, you will still be able to download my books through the Kindle app. Right now, they’re all at B&N as well (except Dirty Little Secrets) but Dirty Little Lies will be going down from there very shortly.

In this world of self-publishing, the business decisions that used to belong to the publisher are now mine…and as much as I hate putting all my eggs in one publisher’s basket (Amazon), for now, it is the best business decision I can make while I take advantage of promotional opportunities that Amazon offers that currently, the other venues do not.

Thank you for understanding!