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Big News, Part 2!
Friday, December 5th, 2014

I have a new book! This project came out of the blue…I had a chance to write a story in Stephanie Bond’s BODY MOVERS world (Body Movers, 2 Bodies for the Price of 1, 3 Men and a Body, etc.) for Amazon’s sanctioned fan fiction project, Kindle Worlds. I’m a huge fan of this series, so I couldn’t pass up the opportunity!

With LogosThe result is BODY OF WORK, a novella (about 100 pages) featuring Stephanie’s ultra-popular characters, Maria Marquez and Cooper Craft. It’s priced at $1.99…and though I’m using someone else’s characters, I guarantee you this book is all me. Mystery, action, emotion, sex…there has to be sex! All wrapped up in a satisfying read. I hope you’ll check out more by clicking HERE or you can purchase HERE.

Should you read Stephanie’s books before mine, if you haven’t already? You don’t have to. But I think after reading it, you’ll want to!

The book is only available through Amazon, but you can download a free Kindle app for your computer, tablet or smartphone HERE.

More news to come soon…