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Just in time for the holidays…
Sunday, December 25th, 2011

I know a lot of you received either a new digital reader or bookstore gift cards for your holiday gifts, so just in time for your shopping pleasure, the digital re-releases of the Phantom series are available for sale!

PHANTOM PLEASURES and PHANTOM’S TOUCH are up at Amazon for the Kindle and at Smashwords for all other formats, including Nook, Sony, Kobo, iPad, iPhone and for your PC. If you’ve recently signed up for my newsletter or followed the directions on my Facebook fanpage (under Contest) you can get a coupon and receive the digital reprint of DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS for FREE!

Also, my .99 cent novella, DARE ME, is always a bargain for a short, but super-sexy story of intrigue and lost loves.

I hope you all have a fabulous holiday season and a spectacular new year!