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TOO WILD TO HOLD available!
Tuesday, September 13th, 2011

The second book in my Legendary Lover series, TOO WILD TO HOLD, is in stores now! I’m really excited about this book for several reasons. One, I’m in love with the cover. I asked for a hunky Nathan Fillion (sounds like overkill…how can Nathan Fillion NOT be hunky?) and that’s who I got!

Two, the book is set in New Orleans. I haven’t had a chance to set any stories there in years and revisiting the city, fictionally, was wonderful. And three, this book gave me a chance to stretch my romantic suspense muscles, which I haven’t had a chance to do in a while. Yes, the previous book, TOO HOT TO TOUCH, had a little suspense in it…but not a lot. TOO WILD TO HOLD is about Michael Murrieta, an FBI agent who is chasing a serial rapist–one who has targeted New Orleans private investigator, Claire Lecuyer, as his next victim. Claire, however, is in the middle of a case of her own, tracking down a woman who ran away from her family. She has two days to catch up to the woman, so she can’t afford any interruptions or distractions. Unfortunately for her, Michael is both. And then some!

In addition to the publication of the Legendary Lover books, I have some surprises coming for those of you who have made the transition to digital reading on your Kindle, Nook, Sony e-reader, iPad, etc. Keep an eye out for updates to this website…and if you’re at Plotmonkeys on September 14th, you’ll find out exactly what’s happening!